Arawak versus Lokono, what's in a name?
- Creator:
- Patte, Marie-France
- Publisher:
- Fundashon di Idioma (FPI) ( Willemstad , Curaçao )
- University of the Netherlands Antilles (UNA)
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- Page 75-86.
- Source Institution:
- University of Curaçao
- Holding Location:
- University of Curaçao
- Subject Keyword:
- Arawak language -- Guyana
- Indians of South America
- Languages -- Guyana
- Spatial Coverage:
- Guyana
- Language:
- English
“...names: the canoe ( T canoa ) ( a Taino vessel that could contain several dozen individuals ) had been retained in Arawak/Lokono as kanoa and the hammock (T hamaca ) was quickly adopted by Euopean s ailors. The Europeans learnt these manufactures and passed them...”
Buki di proverbionan Antiano
- Creator:
- Hoogenbergen, W
- Hoefnagels, Gerardus Petrus
- Juliana, Elis
- Publisher:
- De Curaçaosche Courant ( Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1985
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 157 p. ill. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Spreekwoorden en gezegden; Nederlandse Antillen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...morto: Santana ta yora e i no tin awa pa laba e, te ora ku te ainda tin hende ku si ke. Shon grandi a bai na biu i a bolbe na kanoa. Pa e motibu, nos mester traha dam pa war-da awa. Un bista den futuru lo por yuda nos. Pero e desaroyo pa independensia no mester...”
Del Curaçao que se va : páginas arrancadas de 'El libro de mes recuerdos'
- Creator:
- Pool, John de
- Menkman, W.R
- Dennert, Henk
- Publisher:
- Ercilla ( Santiago de Chile )
- Publication Date:
- 1930
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 351 p. ; ill., foto's ; 19 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Curaçao
- Holding Location:
- University of Curaçao
- Subject Keyword:
- Geschiedenis; Curaçao
- Landenbeschrijving; Curaçao
- Literatuur; Curaçao
- Memoires; Curaçao
- Proza; Curaçao
- Language:
- Spanish
“...Linde Schotborgh, avisa que: Es koe ta ierma aki bauw, ta taha toer hende, pa evita toer kwestion, di no pasa, ni hala ponchi o kanoa, ni tira soesji o otro koos semejante,'riba soe (era conoci bauw di nombre di ROOTJE. Y a pesar de esto, Rootje se convirti en...”
Djogodó : kwenta pa konta mucha
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Korsow Willemstad, Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1972
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 64 p. :ill., tek. ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Literatuur
- Papiamentu
- Kinderboeken
- Kinderverhalen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...no hala basta awa na pos, sla ta kwe su kurpa.
A la largu Buchi Mayn a desesper. Pero e no por a hui bai ksta di Venezuela den kanoa, manera otro katibunan a hasi, pasobra e tabatin un brasa mankaron.
Riba un dia Buchi Mayn a disid di ba' dwalu poko den mondi...”
Dynamic and static analysis of Aqualectra's electrical grid
- Creator:
- Vicario, Rashid
- Publisher:
- University of Curaçao ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 2018/08/31
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 121 bladen : illustraties, figuren.
- Source Institution:
- University of Curaçao
- Holding Location:
- University of Curaçao
- Language:
- English
“...turbine serving as a backup unit at Mundu Nobo. Furthermore a part of the energy is produced by means of windmills located at Playa Kanoa and Tera Kora. Currently, there is a totality o f 13 MW of solar generation on rooftops of inhabitants Beside these energy sources...”
Fiesta di Idioma A1
- Type:
- Book
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
“...tarea kua medio di transporte ta di ntes i kua medio di transporte nos ta usa hopi awendia.
avion baiskel bapor barku di bela bs kanoa kitoki konvoi outo rakt shrs trein Siman 3
Mi ta mira un ...
Mi ta mira un
Mi ta mira un
Mi ta mira un
Mi ta mira un
Mi ta mira...”
In a sea of heteroglossia: pluri-lingualism, pluri-culturalism, and pluri-identification in the Caribbean
- Creator:
- Faraclas, Nicholas ( edited by )
- Severing, Ronald ( edited by )
- Weijer, Christa ( edited by )
- Echteld, Elisabeth ( edited by )
- Hinds-Layne, Marsha ( edited by )
- Publisher:
- Fundashon di Idioma (FPI) ( Willemstad , Curaçao )
- University of the Netherlands Antilles (UNA)
- Publication Date:
- 2010
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 421 p. : ill., fig.; 18 cm
- Edition:
- 2010
- Source Institution:
- University of Curaçao
- Holding Location:
- University of Curaçao
- Subject Keyword:
- Language and culture -- Caribbean
- Literacy -- Caribbean
- Caribbean literature
- Spatial Coverage:
- Caribbean
- Language:
- English
“...names: the canoe ( T canoa ) ( a Taino vessel that could contain several dozen individuals ) had been retained in Arawak/Lokono as kanoa and the hammock (T hamaca ) was quickly adopted by Euopean s ailors. The Europeans learnt these manufactures and passed them...”
Kwenta pa kaminda
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Corsen, Charles S
- Publisher:
- De Wit ( Oranjestad , Aruba )
- Publication Date:
- 1968
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- [VIII], 80 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Fictie
- Korte verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen
- Literatuur; Nederlandse Antillen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“... Un kwarenta anja pas nos tabata ba kanoa di Mushe
15 Bartol, sali for di haf aki ku marduga grandi. Awor aki ta boto di motor ta manda, pero prome aja ta na rema nos mester a hala. Diesdos homber mester a bua un kanoa grandi. Seis kada banda. Sigun nos ta...”
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1975
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 67 p. : ill., foto's, tek. ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Folklore; Curaçao
- Geschiedenis; Curaçao
- Heemkunde
- Kinderboeken; Nederlandse Antillen
- Korte verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...ku su kanoa. Den esei un pisk mash grandi a ataka su boto. Asina kompa Bernardo a mira ku e bestia ta bio sigui tira riba su kanoa, kompa Bernardo a bula na laman, laga e kanoa. E pisk a habri un boka tres be mas grandi ku boki fornu i morde e kanoa nbt na...”
Mi lenga (Di prome tomo)
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Publication Date:
- 1970
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 2 dl. : ill., foto's ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Papiamentu; taalkunde
- Schoolboeken
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...barku, barku di bela, bapor, bapor di zeta. Un barku ku tres master: brik, ku dos master: golt, ku un master: balandra, kanoa (ba kanoa ku pagay), yola (boto chikitu plat), gigi: boto chikitu kolog tras di barku, kayuka (boto traha di tronkon di palu)
Ora solo baha
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Publisher:
- Libreria Salas ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1968
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 74 p. ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Literatuur
- Papiamentu
- Kinderboeken
- Kinderverhalen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...di shon Simn, kore bai te Wespen. Ei nan a drenta un kanoa ku tabajtin hal riba tera. Ngano a rema, te ora nan a sali for di e boka. Pero djei el a hisa bela. E brisa di laman a dal den e bela. Te kanoa a korta laman, den direkshon di ksta di Venezuela.
Ta asina o ta asana? : abla, uzu i kustumber sefardí
- Creator:
- Henriquez-Alvarez Correa, May
- Publication Date:
- 1988
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XVI, 122 p. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Joden; Nederlandse Antillen
- Papiamentu; woordenboeken
- Spreektaal; Nederlandse Antillen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...Bea Poron ei? Na respsi di aa nobo, Tida tabata Shon Bea Poron, e so a bai ku sombr.
Shon Grandi a bini ku nabiu, el a bai ku kanoa, El a yega ku masha fansifun, el a bai ketuketu. shubid, sus., probechad, oportunista, pushad, abuzado. Un dia ma permiti drenta...”
Tempu tempu (Tomo 1) : tomo 1 : un seri di lès tokante Herensia Kultural pa Enseñansa di Fundeshi Siklo 2
- Creator:
- Stichting Nationaal Archeologisch-Antropologisch Museum Nederlandse Antillen (Stichting NAAM)
- Baetens, Eddy H
- Publisher:
- De Curaçsosche Courant ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 2007
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 28 p. : ill., foto's, tek. ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Maatschappijleer
- Volkenkunde
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...Mi ta bai konta algu di Kaketionan.
4 LES 2 Trahad di boto
Kaketionan tabata traha boto di tronkon di palu. E botonan ak yama kanoa.
Nan tabata hasi tronkon di palu hol ku ophetonan skrpi i ku kandela. Nan tabata sera e skrefnan ku gm. Nan tabata hasi esei...”
Un selekshon di palabra i ekspreshon (Di dos tomo)
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Korsow Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1974
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 2 dl. : ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Folklore
- Papiamentu
- Spreekwoorden en gezegden; Nederlandse Antillen
- Taalkunde
- Schoolboeken
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...master) Bodega, kamarote
Golt (ku dos master) Pagai pa ba kanoa
Brik (ku tres master) Ria bela, hisa bela
Yola, kanoa, ponchi Lanta o basha anker
Boto di bela, di motor Tripulante, kaptan, matros
Sa ba kanoa, frek ponchi, rema boto (hala rema). Un boto chkitu ku...”
Un selekshon di palabra i ekspreshon (Di prome tomo)
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Korsow Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1971
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 2 dl. ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Folklore
- Papiamentu
- Spreekwoorden en gezegden; Nederlandse Antillen
- Taalkunde
- Schoolboeken
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...un nota pa un persona, pa e persona sa, por ehmpel, ku e tin un kwenta dl regla. Un nota semper ta krtiku. Notisia (nobo) di kanoa ta notisia biew.
Aki poko dia mi mes ta mi nobo. (Lo mi bini personalmente).
Muchanan sa manda karta pa fli, pasando un pida...”
Wazo riba rondu No 2
- Creator:
- Juliana, Elis
- Publication Date:
- 1981
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 3 dl. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Fictie
- Korte verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen
- Literatuur; Nederlandse Antillen
- Papiamentu
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...surf-riding, pero un dje piskado-nan di ms bieu di parti pariba di brug a konfirmami ku for di den 1910 nan tabata set ola na Hala Kanoa.
Ku un pida tabla di mas o menos un meter largu pa trinta sentimeter di hanchura, bo ta landa bai af komo trinta pa kuarenta...”