Usage Statistics for DCDP

The data below shows details for the views that occurred at each level of the collection hierarchy (Collection Groups, Collections, SubCollections).

These statistics show the number of times users:

  • navigated to the collection main pages
  • browsed the items or information about the collection
  • performed searches against the items contained in the collection
  • viewed titles and items contained within the collection

For the specialized item-level view details, see Item Views by Date. The Definitions page provides more details about the statistics and words used below.

Selected Date Range

The usage for all the collections appears below for the following data range:

From:     To:    

To change the date shown, choose your dates above and hit the GO button.

Summary by Collection

1 ALL     ALL Search all Groups 46191474 649812 2516 493347 5892867
3 DEDICA     DEDICA Digital Education Innovation in the Caribbean 824350 13752 13271 14476 3407 145915 640240
4 DEDICA HIGHER   HIGHER D. Further Education 0 7041 6398 8202 27 0 0
5 DEDICA HIGHERED   HIGHERED C. Higher Education 46850 9953 9322 11395 369 4227 11520
6 DEDICA HIGHERED TSTDLR TSTDLR Test DLR Collection 43995 8616 7783 11578 242 4227 11520
7 DEDICA P1DLR   P1DLR Project 1 Digital Learning Resources 254082 7745 8489 10657 151 51814 175284
8 DEDICA P1DLR CARAN CARAN CARAN 59212 6950 7829 11374 45 7003 24444
10 DEDICA P1DLR PBCCG PBCCG Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied 60183 7317 7203 10102 164 12326 23286
11 DEDICA PRIMARY   PRIMARY A. Primary Education 607166 13163 8113 14338 3731 135763 437506
13 DEDICA SECONDARY   SECONDARY B. Secondary Education 0 7198 7702 9078 32 0 0
16 DEDICA UOCEDREC GENRES GENRES General 0 1535 899 812 1 0 0
18 DEDICA UOCEDREC SEFRES SEFRES Social Sciences & Economics 0 1492 897 711 1 0 0
21 EXHIB     EXHIB Exhibitions 0 6609 8569 10491 26 0 0
22 KUCHARABONAIRE     KUCHARABONAIRE Fundashon Kuchara 20837 3123 3010 3960 18 2664 12222
23 KUCHARABONAIRE KU_60PLUS   KU_60PLUS 60 plus 9927 1326 689 1332 0 1231 5975
24 KUCHARABONAIRE KU_JONG   KU_JONG Fundashon Kuchara Digitaliteit 60 plus 10244 1313 682 1276 0 1406 6209
25 PARTNER     PARTNER Partner Collections 33092271 27142 16717 46567 36409 1825580 31157820
28 PARTNER CBSCUR   CBSCUR CBS Curacao 63292 10276 6574 9870 1019 6824 33180
30 PARTNER FPI   FPI FPI 693395 7096 4635 7702 93 16902 668454
32 PARTNER JAAPVANSOEST   JAAPVANSOEST Jaap van Soest Data Collection 314063 12036 15191 14854 1112 60184 211560
35 PARTNER KONINKBIBL   KONINKBIBL Koninklijke Bibliotheek 76548 11299 16066 13613 541 4325 27598
36 PARTNER KONINKBIBL ARCHHAMELBERG ARCHHAMELBERG Archief Hamelberg 53911 11580 12817 12465 574 2790 15002
39 PARTNER NAAM   NAAM NAAM 798359 16022 17227 23006 3815 199064 543119
40 PARTNER NAAM ZIKINZA_COLLECTION ZIKINZA_COLLECTION Zikinza Collection 780918 16027 12489 18769 4950 197403 538998
41 PARTNER NAC   NAC National Archives Curacao 564 8144 9567 10337 211 41 291
43 PARTNER PALM_COLLECTION   PALM_COLLECTION Palm Collection 15458309 14474 13074 16508 970 19153 15401142
44 PARTNER UBLEIDEN   UBLEIDEN Caribbean Collection Leiden 15778801 25570 19179 55143 29154 1504401 14157297
46 RESEARCHDATACOL DCDATASETS   DCDATASETS Dutch Caribbean Data Sets 0 1600 999 851 10 0 0
47 RESEARCHDATACOL DCDATASETS DCDS DCDS Dutch Caribbean Data Sets 0 1586 936 851 3 0 0
49 RESEARCHDATACOL UOCDATASETS MBZKR MBZKR Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelatie 0 1581 920 783 0 0 0
53 SPECCOL     SPECCOL Assorted Themes Collection 11524767 26336 17059 42815 28404 1048048 10377959
55 SPECCOL DUTCARHERCOL   DUTCARHERCOL Dutch Caribbean Heritage Collection (-1954) 10371373 24794 34241 33161 21406 774930 9497936
56 SPECCOL JUDAICA   JUDAICA Judaica of the Dutch Caribbean 476698 15601 12646 18331 2374 54077 378850
57 SPECCOL MDCGCOLL   MDCGCOLL mr. dr. Moises F. da Costa Gomez Collection 152022 17031 8487 17356 6603 12626 100651
58 SPECCOL UNIVCURACAOCOLL   UNIVCURACAOCOLL University of Curacao Institutional Collection 1076659 20340 16904 29211 7563 258116 752894
59 SPECCOL UNIVCURACAOCOLL BRASIA BRASIA Brasia 0 7371 6716 8294 38 0 0
60 SPECCOL UNIVCURACAOCOLL HIGHLIGHTSARCHIVES HIGHLIGHTSARCHIVES Highlights from the archives 0 7286 7162 10406 41 0 0
61 SPECCOL UNIVCURACAOCOLL KNIPSELS KNIPSELS UoC in the press 1016197 15427 12483 23950 5637 251806 709545
65 UOCCOL     UOCCOL UoC Collection 4058913 26717 18437 35813 25992 445597 3523343
66 UOCCOL FACDIGCOL   FACDIGCOL UoC Faculty Digital Collections 1033049 14237 11398 19062 1181 194403 798899
67 UOCCOL FACDIGCOL ENG ENG Engineering 373538 12573 8883 16886 1337 72601 265430
68 UOCCOL FACDIGCOL GEN GEN General 145564 9639 9127 12654 635 17840 96937
70 UOCCOL FACDIGCOL SEF SEF Social Sciences & Economics 368976 10129 10639 13376 866 59646 273944
71 UOCCOL FACDIGCOL SOC SOC Social & Behavioral Sciences 22477 9278 7140 12108 73 2242 12743
79 UOCCOL UOCLC   UOCLC UOC Library Collections 1179220 18645 12904 20729 10352 215427 910165
81 UOCCOL UOCLC LTC LTC Library Thesis Collection 781092 11410 9872 16774 1211 143008 599280
83 UOCCOL UOCPUBLICATIONS   UOCPUBLICATIONS UoC Publications 617897 13401 8909 13284 5200 14636 575175
84 UOCCOL UOCREC   UOCREC Uoc Recordings 0 7169 6039 8803 34 0 0
85 UOCCOL UOCTHESIS   UOCTHESIS UoC Thesis 234826 13942 15253 14348 2436 23126 152747
86 TOTAL     ZZZ TOTAL 69894783 6577840 585237 1433904 6177719 2974762 36619497