No. Title Date
1 Afstudeeratelier : 'Wechi fase 1A-deel H1'
2 Designing a Digital Community Repository Infrastructure for the Dutch Caribbean From the Perspective of a Small Island Developing State
3 Opgave van litteratuur betreffende de Nederlandse Antillen
4 Sustainable heritage Plaza area : farm-to-table restaurants, winkels in de monumentale Waterfort boogjes en een boardwalk (Plaza bogen)
5 Sustainable hospitality school Willemstad
6 Sustainable Living : Creating a sustainable way of living within “heritage plaza Curaçao”
7 Sustainable urban design to help reduce the urban heat island effect : Blue/green infrastructure design in Punda
8 Valorization of Papiamento in Aruban society and education, in historical, contemporary and future perspectives