Material Information

Being prepared for exogenous shocks exploring strategies to transform the food system of Curaçao, Aruba and Sint Maarten
Jong, Rosemarijn de
Hoogstad, Eugène
Visser, Benjamin
Kort, Rendell de
Carmona Báez, Antonio
Echteld, Elisabeth
Mijts, Eric
Place of Publication:
University of Curaçao
University of Puerto Rico
[Willemstad, Curaçao]
Puerto Rico
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
Page 13-28


The Covid-19 pandemic heavily disrupted the food systems of the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten. To provide recommendations on how to strengthen the food system in a way that is feasible and acceptable for the stakeholders and population on the islands, a content analysis was done on the 13 research activities that have been conducted within the scope of a ZonMw1-funded project. Themes that emerged most frequently were farming techniques, farming knowledge and collaboration, consumer education and government. A framework has been extracted from this analysis presenting the five most adequate strategies for transforming the food system.
General Note:
In: Southern entanglements: Southern epistemologies, Southern praxes and the languages, literatures and cultures of the Dutch Caribbean and beyond / N. Faraclas, R. Severing, E. Echteld, W. Rutgers, & S. Delgado (eds.).

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Curaçao
Holding Location:
University of Curaçao
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.