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Sanial wrote many a page of educational matter, and at other
times delivered lectures and speeches both instructive and en-
thusiastic. But to work as De Leon did, to be the one who con-
tmua ly forges new weapons and finds the strategic paths that
kad to victory, one who gives his whole self to the movement
man ^ a great man is capable of that. Sanial was not a great
Sanial was a number of times delegate of the Socialist La-
bor Party to the International Congress. Upon his return he
made verbal reports to Section New York or perhaps wrote a
letter to the party members, but to write a report as did De
heTk* Amsterdam Congress, wherein
in .e of tihe leaders in the Socialist movement
n Europe and furnishes his constituents with a picture such
L'complir'' again only a great man can
Sanial liked to be regarded as the teacher, and told me (and
ie Leon's tutor while
the latter was his associate editor. A few years later, at a...”
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“...were Wm. D.
Haywood, of the Western Federation of Miners; Clarence
Smith, editor of the American Labor Union Journal; Wm. E.
Trautmann, editor of the Brewery Workers Journal; Thos.
Hagerty, the ex-priest,all of whom were known to have
publicly given utterance against pure and simple pollticlanism.
Eugene V, Debs, whose signature also was attached to the
Manifesto, did not personally participate in the conferences;
his signature was obtained by appeals to his consistency, by
reminding him of his verbal declarations and his promises....”