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“...states it seemed that an awakening had taken place The object lessons given the workers by Governor Peabody of Colorado and Governor Steunenburg of Idaho, two represent- atives of raw-boned capitalism, were indeed sufficient to war- rant such an awakening. The members of the Western Federation of Miners struck to enforce the eight-hour law, a law the passage of which it had secured through a constitutional amendment in the state of Colorado after a long-drawn struggle. De Leons statement that "the tiger will fight for the tips of his mustache with the same ferocity with which he would defend his very life, was illustrated in the bitter class war in Colorado in 1903-1904 The deportations of members of the Western Federation of Miners, the violation of every law of decency by the ruling powers, the erection of so-called bull-pens, where workers were imprisoned without due process of law; the turning of the mining districts of the state into military camps, with all that such a condition implies...”