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“...situation. Looking backward over
these many years, in the light of all that has happened since,
and in the light of all I myself have learned, I can not today
help thinking that we, the then N. E. C., and the entire Party
for that matter, must have looked rather quaint to a man like
De Leon. Gretsch and I were, sometimes (as the com-
position of the body happened to change), the only
ones on that committee able to speak English. Correspond-
ence in that foreign tongue, unless dealing with simple rou-
tine matters, had to be explained to the rest of the mem-
bers. They were full of devotion to the cause as they. con-
ceived it, many of them were excellent men in point of char-
acter, but they were strangers in a strange land, called upon
to handle a situation the potentialities of which they had no...”