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D. De Leon."
on theirshouId?s'^'""'''*' carrying chips'
D. DL."
ter L-n speaks of experiencing af-
r^rs (f sSniHc'^t'^dat
?cture^7haT onVo? tt*" csL'^o7'r P
pamphlet form and it is anrf P^^bshed this lecture in
.o .n t;;L:.:i:nr.Lr;;j.r'"
Ha3rwood s Lost Opportunity
All the overt and covert enemies nf n t
of harping on his "bossism , < ? i ^ ttced
UfthTt sor? orthi:7 "zc:lf
itrz: :r T
would only too gladlv hav >= '>
.fe .ah L Lf^^k^Th. 'Z' ""
t..ola,ia f" >1.=
one messiah after the other came a thereby. But
hallow ,oih u... coold 4i"T'.r.* ^'Z-
l0. Dab. ,H.ga, l.on,7hl7waair'bop'r^...”