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“...g proletariat with most useful knowledge, by translating from the German Marxs The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Bebels (Die Frau und der Sozialismus) Woman under Socialism, and from the French the monumental masterpiece of Eugene Sue, The Mysteries of the People, or History of a Proletarian Family Across the Ages. Again, what a contrast between De Leon and the writers of books, the authors, in the other camp. There, writers of pamphlets and books mostly without an original thought, a re- hash of what others had taught and written, in some instances even plagiarizing De Leons great lectures, What Means Tins Strike? and Reform or Revolution, and invariably paid for by a publisher; here, a man who, having all the qualifications of a man of letters, preferred to translate what he thought use- ful for the training of the class conscious workers, and equip- ping them with the knowledge requisite for their emancipation, rather than appear as the author on the title page, with his autograph...”