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“...dan beschouwd worden als een tegemoetkoming aan de publieke opinie. Ik zou anders zeggen: Een kind had het beter gedaan. De onhandxgheid is intussen met de Appendix III hersteld. De he, 5e en 6e alinea's van de preambule luiden als volgt: "Whereas, the single word "commonwealth", as currently used, clearly defines the status of the body politic created uhder the terms or tile compact existing betv\/een tiie people of Puerto Rico and tiie United States, i.e., that of a stqte which is free of superior autho- rity in the management of its own local affairs but which is linked to the United States of America and hence is a part of its political system in a manner compatible with its federal structure 5 ^ Whereas, there is no single word in the Spanish language exactly equivalent to the English word "commonwealth" and translation of commonwealth" into Spanish requires a combination of words to express the concepts of state and liberty and association; Whereas, in the case of Puerto Eico the...”