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“...that help has not only been obtained from, but also insured by the Chief Executive. Upon this tlte'President'lays oyar -a tele- o*ram received by him via H. E., fro lit HisExcellency the Minis- ter of Colonies containing H. M. the Queens expression of sym- pathy with the hurricane-stricken inhabitants of this Island. He also makes known that in behalf of the people he has already returned thanks to H. M. trough the same^phannel. .. Hereafter the Court unanimously adopts the following motion in token of appreciation of the timely help rendered by H. Exc. the acting Governor. x. . . The Court of Policy in the Island of St, Eustatius being sen- sitive for the prompt and much needed help rendered by Hi$ Excellency the Acting Governor of Curasao to the stormstncken "inhabitants of this Island on the occasion of the hurricane which swept over the Lesser Antilles, on the 12th to 13th Sept. 1928 by means hereof beg to offer to His Excellency the acting "Governor of Curasao/ Mr. M. van Dijk, a vote...”