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“...States to study Jour- nalism at Columbia University. A statement like this, com- mon enough in most news publications, usually interests but few. But in this instance it is news, because there are few Britishers here who do not know Paddy. Few people know and understand the versatile and often misunderstood Paddy Hepburn as well as I do. Our association extends as far back as our early school-days at St. Marys College, St. Lucia, where we studied, played and fought together. It continued on the editorial staff of The Voice of St. Lucia, where we both started to earn our first wages. Even from those teen years of ours, when Journalism was but another word and writing meant but the stringing of many high-sounding words and phrases together, it. was evident that Hepburn had the stuff which germinates into brilliant newsmen. He had drive and deter- mination, a keen sense of humour, the gift of the gab, all vital assets to the would-be Journalist. Above all he had backbone. Call it strength of character...”