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“...imme- diately. Dats right, said his reverence. You is jist de folks I wants to preach to. Dere is no 69th chapter ob Matthew. An American tourist was knocked down by a speeding motor in a provincial French village. A friendly native rush- ed and helped him to his feet. Parlez-vous Frangais ? asked the good Samaritan. No, said the American, brushing himself off, Che- vrolet Coupe. HOW SMART ARE YOU? OUR MIXED QUIZ Answers to August Quiz: (1) (a) Edward, son of Ethelred the Unready; (b) William Duke of Normandy who won the Battle of Hastings in 1066 to become William I of England; (c) Henry I. (2) The Secretary of State, now James F. Byrnes. (3) Leslie Charteris. (4) Gone With The Wind; Forever Amber; Wuthering Heights. (5) Brit- ish Honduras in Central America and British Guiana in South Amerjca. (6) (a) St. Vincent; (b) Jamaica; (c) Barbados. (7) (a) Ben Eastman and G. Klemmer; (b) C. Warmerdam (c) Jesse Owens. (8) A Race Horse. (9) Bing Crosby. (10) Dorothy Lamour. Many people thought...”