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“...proteha interesnan Holandes. Dia seis di December 1942 ftos Reina a duna e speech celebre den cual Su Majestad a promete na Su posicionnan foi terra e derecho pa accionnan libre den nan terra, dunando cu esei e prueba eminente di Su vista competente den asuntonan gobernativa. E evolucion riba terreno gobernativo i politico cu a tuma lugar despues di Su regreso na Su Imperio a exigi di Su forza tanto asi- na, CU nos Mama na poder, cu a pasa pa pruebanan pisa a rpolve di entrega Corona na Su sucesora legal, Su Read Alteza Princesa Juliana. Cincuenta ano largo Reina Guillermina a tuma parti juntu cu Su pueblo CU amor, den sufrimiento, den alegria i tur atendencia. nan patriotico, un periodo sublime iii su Gobernacion den historia di Holanda, cu rara vez sa tuma lugar. Cu Dios Toclopoderoso digna di ihmina e Dianan futuro dj""! gran Vastago di Cas di Oranje cu Su Divina Luz i dunelE sociego CU tanto asina E tin mester awor....”

“...continue the protection of the Ne- therlands interests. On December 6, 1942 she made Her famous Royal Speech in which She held out in prospect the right of self-determination of the people of the Overseas Territo-ries, thereby again giving evi- dence of Her excellent understanding of state affairs. The revolutions in the political field, which took place in the Kingdom after Her return, ultimately overtaxed Her strengtli so much that our Queen had to decide to transfer Her high office to Her legal successor, H.R.H. Princess Juliana. The Queen shared 50 years of love and sorrow, joy and cares with the Netherlands people, a period of government of rare oc- currence in history. May it please the Almighty to illuminate the evening of life of this great Descendant of the House of Orange Nassau with His Light and grant Her the peace rvhich She needs now so very much. Transl: JW:aw. 8|2|48....”