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“...were formerly in the possession of France, such as Dominica and St. Lucia, the negroes speak a rather bewildering French patois. A peculiarity in Montserrat is the Irish brogue acquired by the negroes from the Irish sent to the island by Oliver Cromwell. In the little island of Saba there is a somewhat similar peculiarity of speech, the inhabitants speaking with a distinct West Country accent. A patois of English, Spanish, French and Dutch called “ papiamento ” is spoken in Cura9ao, while “ taki- taki,” a curious negro-English is the native “ taal" in Surinam. In Trinidad, French and Spanish are much spoken by the wealthier classes, and a knowledge of those languages enhances the pleasure of a visit to Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Spanish Main. FREEMASONRY. Freemasonry is largely practised in the British West Indies, and lodges exist in all the large islands and most of the smaller. In Barbados there is a District Grand Lodge, which has jurisdiction over six Craft Lodges. Mark Masonry is also...”

“...manufacture, 436—8 Sulphur baths, 178, 233, 304, 352 Sulphur Springs, Dominica, 241 Sunbury, Barbados, 75 Sunstroke, 5 Surinam, 412-5 Constitution, 413 Communications, 413 Exchanged for New York, 413 History, 413 Industries, 413 Surinam, River, 413- 415 Surrender Tree, 357 Suttons, 256 Swaby, Bishop, 377 Swettenham, Sir Alexander, 259 " Swizzles," recipes for, 23 Swizzle-stick, 23 Sylvania, 243 Syrians in Jamaica, 9 Tabaquite, i i 5, 138 Taboga Island, 420 Tabor, Mt., 135 Tacarigua, 115, 135 Taki taki dialect, n Talleres, 327, 328 Tapion Rock, 171 Tarpon fishing, 117 Teach, John (“ Blackbeard ”), 319 Telegraphic communication, 37 Temple, Lady (Marchioness of Buckingham), 273 Tennant, Sir Charles, 139 Terre d’en bas, 305 Terre d’en haut, 305 Teteron Bay, n8 Teteron, Madame, 118 Tetu, 320 Thatch Island, 248 Thistle, H.M.S., 248 Thompson, Lady, 186 Thornhill, General Sir Timo- thy, 106, 199, 216, 219, 222 Thornton, Dr, William, 247 Three Houses, 74 Three Sisters, the, 112 Thresh, Mr. J. C.,...”