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“ being arranged during the tourist season by the United Railways of Havana.] The special fare, $8.50 (£1 15s. 5^.) (children under j twelve $5.50—£1 2s. 11 d.), covers first-class railway] fare, carriage to the Hotel Paris, lunch, drive to the) Hermitage of Montserrate, the Yumuri Valley, and admission to the Bellamar Caves. The lines pass j through extensive fields of sugar-cane, the section between Jaruco and Agucate being one of the most productive in Cuba. At the latter place is the Rosario Central Factory. Between Empalme (whence a branch runs through a hilly country to Madruga, population 2,175), three hours from Havana, a typical Cuban j village famous for its sulphur and iron springs, and j Ceiba Mocha, is a deep cutting lined with maidenhair j...”

“...Rockly Bay, 147 Rockstone, 382, 383, 386 Roddam, Scrutton S.S. escapes from Martinique, 311-2 Rodney, Admiral defeats de Grasse (1782), 237. 244-5. 3°5 in Jamaica, 259 in St. Lucia, 169, 176 in St. Vincent, 187 seizes St. Eustatius, 336 statues of, 261, 276-7 “ Rodney’s Look-Out," 259 Rodway, Mr. J., 14, 15, 382 Rogers, Samuel, 92 Rogers, Captain Josias, 160 Rogers, Captain Woodes, 61 Roman Catholics, 10, 239 Roosevelt, President, 329 Roraima, Mt., 387—8 Roraima, s.s., 311, 312 Rosalie, View, 242 Rosario sugar factory, 352 Roseau, Dominica, 236, 238- 41 Roseau River, Dominica, 240 Roseau River, St. Lucia, 167 Roseau Valley, St. Lucia, 176 Rose Hall, 282, 287, 289 Rosignol, 372, 373, 380 Roubiliac, sculptor, 272 Rouen, Barbados, 75 Rousselan, M., 168 Rowley, Vice-Admiral, 264 Roxburgh, Tobago, 144, 146 Royal Agricultural and Com- mercial Society of British Guiana, 376 Royal Bank of Canada, 19, 119, 159, 172, 218, 261 Royal Irish Rifles (89th Foot), 132 Royal Munster Fusiliers (the 101st Regt.)...”