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“...270 POCKET GUIDE TO THE WEST INDIES Buildings it was designed by Sir Charles Nicholson and constructed of reinforced concrete. The building com- prises three floors, and the rooms are arranged round an open patio, most of them opening on to wide veran- das. The grounds cover about 177 acres. The town of Port Royal standing at the extremity of the spit of sand known as the Palisadoes, which protects Kingston Harbour, can be reached by motor- car along the Palisadoes or by motor-launch or boat. It is of great historic interest, having been the head- quarters of the buccaneers, and the emporium and mart of their ill-gotten wealth. Before it was overwhelmed by an earthquake on June 7th, 1692, it was considered “ the finest town in the West Indies, and the richest spot in the universe.” The rector of the parish describing the disaster wrote : Whole streets, with their inhabitants, were swallowed up by the opening of the earth, which, when shut upon them, squeezed the people to death, and in...”

“...can be visited are the Cathedral and San Pedro Claver. Both are in a sad state of disrepair ; but it is possible to gauge from the fabric how handsome these churches must have been. The House of Inquisition near the principal square is now the residence of a merchant who courteously permits visitors to inspect it. Cartagéna was one of the head- quarters of the Inquisition in the New World, the others being at Lima and in Mexico. It is said that the cruel apparatus of torture is buried in the patio, where several tall and graceful palms now grow which it would be a...”