1 |
“...Paris, the, 244, 245,
276, 277
Villeneuve, Admiral, 130, 204
Villettes, General, 269
Virgin Gorda, 246, 247, 250
Virgin Islands, British, 248-51
and the Isle of Man, 246
Climate, 249
Constitution, 249
History, 249
Industries, 248
Sports, 249
Virgin Islands of United-
States, 314-24
Cession by Denmark, 314,
Virginias, U.S. Battleship, 356
Vives, Don Francisco, 349
Voice of Cuba case, 349
Volcanic eruptions, 4, 71, 140,
142, 152, 157, 167, 182,'■
192-194, 310-2
von Ketelholdt, Baron, mur-
der of, 290
“ Voudou,” worship, 366
Vreed-en-Hoop, 372, 373
Vuelta Abajo, 339, 354
Vuelta Arriba, 339
Wag Water, 273, 280
Waini River, 384
Wakenaam, 373, 381
Wales, H.R.H. the Prince of,
his visit to West Indies,
108, 173, 173; 246, 425,
Walker’s Filibusters (1856),
Wallibou River, 183,195
Wallings Reservoir, 198, 204
Walsingham Caves, 54
Waraputa, 369
War Memorials (1914-8), Bar-
bados, 81
Bermuda, 47, 48
British Honduras, 392
Jamaica, 262
St. Vincent, 185
Trinidad and Tobago, 120,