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“...of which eminences a fine view can be obtained. [1 hour, 7s. ($1.68.)] (2) To Caldeiras da Ribeira Grande and Lombadas. The former is a valley in which there are thermal springs and a small bathing establishment, whence a good path leads through picturesque scenery to Lombadas. [5 hours, £1 ($4.80).] (3) To Lake Fogo which can be reached from the road by those taking the circular drive to Villa Franca and Ribeira Grande. [5 hours, £1 ($4.80).] (4) To Sete Cidades. [4 hours, £1 ($4.80).] (5) To Lomba la Cruz, whence a bridle path leads to a volcanic crater. [2 hours, 15s. ($3.60)] and (6) To Provocao and thence to the Furnas or Hot Springs. The principal industries are the production of pine- apples under glass and the manufacture of beet sugar. The best hotels in Ponta Delgada are Brown’s Hotel, at the back of the town, Hotel Central, and the Atlantic Hotel. After passing the Azores, awnings are put out, and the first touch of the tropics begins to make itself felt; cooler garmènts are donned...”