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“...of Orange Walk; the Belize, which flows from the Guatemala frontier and has at its mouth Belize, the capital of the colony; the Sibun, the Mullens River, the North Stann Creek, the South Stann Creek, the Monkey River, the Rio Grande, and the Sarstoon River, which separates British Honduras from Guatemala on the south. The general formation of the colony beyond the swampy coast lands is divided into (1) Cohune ridges, which take their name from the graceful palm Attaleu Cohune, growing in pro- fusion in their fertile soil, and comprise the lower tracts of the river; (2) Pine ridge, which includes the higher levels and takes its name from the Pine (Pinus cubensis) found in it; and (3) Broken ridge—often covered with dense jungle and intermediate between the Cohune and Pine ridges. The principal islands, or cays, off the coast are Tumeffe (a corruption of Terra Nova), St. George’s Cay, English Cay, and Ambergris Cay. They are much resorted to for bathing and fishing, and there are several “...”