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“...346 POCKET GUIDE TO THE WEST INDIES sanitary improvements have rendered Havana quite healthy. It was in the harbour of Havana that the Spanish treasure fleets, known as the Galleons and the Flota, used to collect before their departure for Europe, and it was in it, too, that the United States cruiser Maine (Captain Sigsbee) was blown up at 9.40 p.m. on February 15th, 1898, an event which was the immediate cause of the outbreak of war between the United States and Spain. Two hundred and seventy men and two officers were killed, and it was claimed that the disaster was due to the explosion of a mine by the Spaniards. Whether this was really the case or not has been the subject of much subsequent discussion; but the cry which was raised, “ Remember the Maine ! ” proved irresistible. For years after the war the wreck lay where she sank with the Stars .and Stripes flying at Tialf-mast over her, but in 1912 the vessel was raised and towed out to sea and burred. The following account of the ceremony...”