Your search within this document for 'bog' resulted in six matching pages.

“...Montego Bay Line Port Antonio Line* Miles Height above sea. Kingston 8 Gregory Park . 6* 21 Grange Lane . 9 50 Spanish Town. **t 94 Hartlands *5 65 Bushy Park 20 49 Old Harbour . 22f 69 May Pen 32* 205 Four Paths 37 176 Clarendon Park 42* 220 Porus 46} 435 Williamsfield . 53 1300 Kendal . .541 135.2 Greenvale 61 1680 Balaclava 7°* 800 Appleton 76*1 425 Maggotty 80 780 Ipswich . ®5i 783 Catadupa 94 1 1074 Cambridge 97f 399 Montpelier 103 I 392 Anchovy *°5f I 7*8 Montego Bay . 112J 4 Kingston Bog Walk Riversdale Troja Richmond Highgate Albany . Annotto Bay . Buff Bay Orange Bay . Hope Bay St. Margaret's Bay . Poryyhtonio . Ewarton Br, Kingston Linstead Ewarton Frankfield Branch* Kingston Suttons . Chapelton Morgan’s Pass. Miles Height above sea. - 8 20* 288 26} 5°3 3* 734 36 456 38 800 42* *39 5° *35 58* *39 61* 6 66* 7 69* 4 75 3 NCH1 1 8 23f 365 29 1 760 42* 46 49 51 i 53* 56 8 626 606 BayLine.CtS “ B°g. “ identical with that 0< tbe Uoa**°...”

“...Thursday and reaches Kingston next day. There are many garages in Kingston and the larger towns at which Motor-cars can be hired. The usual charge is about is. (24c.) or is. 6d. (36c.) per mile. The Jamaica Government Railway (gauge, 4 feet 8£ inches) starts from the west end of Kingston, which it connects with Spanish Town (33 min.), Old Harbour (1 hour 9 min.), Porus (2 hours 27 min.), and Montego Bay (7J hours). Another line extends from Spanish Town to Bog Walk (25 min.) and Port Antonio (3| hours-4 hours and 20 min. from Kingston). From Bog Walk, Ewarton is reached by a branch line (27 min.), and another branch line opens up the Rio Minho valley and Upper Clarendon from May Pen. Motor-cars meet all the trains at the principal stations. In the tables opposite are the names of the stations and their distances from Kingston. Kingston has a service of Electric trams which traverse the principal streets, proceeding as far as Constant Spring to the north, Rock Fort to the east, and Papine to the...”

“...of Inchi- quin, Governor of Jamaica from 1660 to 1661. Bog Walk (boca de agua, or water’s mouth), a beautiful gorge of the Rio Cobre, is a charming drive from Spanish Town. A pleasant excursion can be made from King- ston by taking the early morning train to Spanish Town, and driving thence through the gorge to the village of Bog Walk. At the lower end is the Dam of the Rio Cobre irrigation canal, and at the upper Gibral- tar Rock, through which the railway runs to Ewarton in a tunnel half a mile long. The tourist should drive back to within three miles of Spanish Town. Here he can embark on a punt on the irrigation canal, which, shaded by coco-nut palms and tropical foliage, is of surpassing beauty, rejoining the car again within a short distance of Spanish Town. From Spanish Town a branch of the Government Railway runs by a circuitous route to Port Antonio on the north side and towards the eastern end of Jamaica. The line runs up Bog Walk on the right bank of the Rio Cobre, and crosses...”

“...a shipping port of consequence. In the Court House rebuilt after a fire in 1926 are portraits of General Sir John Keane, Lieut.-Governor from 1827 to 1829, and Sir Charles Metcalfe, Governor from 1839 to 1842. The Parish Church contains monuments to John Hodges (1787), a member of a well-known West Indian family, and James Blake (1753). Between Falmouth and Montego Bay (22 miles— see page 284) the road skirts several historic sugar estates including Ironshore and Rose Hall (see page 289). From Bog Walk on the Port Antonio line a branch line of the railway runs to Ewarton (17J miles, 1 hour). From there an enjoyable expedition can be made over Mount Diablo (10 miles) to Moneague, whence a drive may be taken through the famous Fern Gully to Ocho Rios and the Roaring River Falls. The road over Mount Diablo, or Diavolo, affords superb views of the Blue Mountains. Fern Gully is a natural gorge of surpassing beauty, with steep sides covered with ferns, through which a winding road runs towards...”

“...C. SabU 1^7 0^eG, Eleutheral. A TLA N TI C New* i’rovidencé CUBA English Miles ' Righbom Cayv ^ \ ï Lit .S. Stijvador ■ BAHAMA V OCEAN Cat I. Andros jt3EMid*n*Bwht Province Boundaries Railways YcUxnv Cay£ jgj Island. % * * ?.TubCf eGreervC. Huertas (X, .Bog^g ^ atlinsjL Elbow C.. Cccy jfijZ ' CuySaLx, jAf. I S LAS I>jConception,L. CAPAXaria. ^^Rum Cay Tropic of Cancer Hurricane“ F latte .^ST. 'S .._____Aie&sm G.Exmna. Long!. ■'{.\ lil, in M agosa, & J>C . * ^ J-de , Man, of War I Channel Sideaa sc£5-*a de BatabaAo *, •NurscC. \figcoon Ccey Loops G. Archipelago ae lo3£fc 'Mucoras.RT \fZRaggedJ: ____ ' Columbus Ifyapoovu,-. -CarfUI. Bank Verde CortesB, n >LA 'bxbes E laxreos SouthJieaA Tardaddos -C%. "a* \<$ 'Bank * KKT? |: eaodéAvüa [Sr, Lrinida. C A\M P <^.r , ' AnnaMaruu * ■LJ57 .I*»* ■2&&4H ***** •: g. SS 5^ _ SAW JUAN .delJtangl

“...Blome, Richard, 105, 215, 2x7, 228 Blomfield, Sir A., architect, 377 Bloody Assize, the, 9 Blue Basin, 129, 130 Bluebeard’s Castle, 316, 319 Blue Hole, 280 Blue Mountain coffee, 233 Blue Mountain Peak, 274 Blue Mountain (St. Croix), 321 Blue Mountains, Jamaica, 252, 254, 258, 274, 282 Boaz Island, 46, 49 Boca Chica, 402 Boca de la Serpiente, no, 112, 142 Boca Grande, Cartagena, 402 Boca Grande, Trinidad, 1x7 Bocas del Dragón, 110, 115, 117 Boddentown, 295, 297 Body Ponds, 198 Boeraserie, 373 ' Bog Walk, 256, 279, 282 Bogle, Robert, 264 Bogue Islands, 286 Boiling Lake, Dominica, 242 Bois Immortel, 135, 137 Bolivar, Simon, the Liberator, 397. 4°5. 4°9 Bonaire, 333 Bonne Esperance, 320 Boqueron (Cuba), 357 Borde, Mr. H., 119 Boreas, H.M.S., Nelson’s ship: 209, 229, 246 Borinquen (Porto Rico), 326, 329 Botanical Gardens Antigua, 204 Bermuda, 56 Dominica, 240 Georgetown, 378-9 Grenada, 161 Jamaica, 272, 273 St. Kitts, 219 St. Lucia, 171 St. Vincent, 187—8 Surinam, 413 Tortola, 249 Trinidad, 125...”