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“ railway—extending from the south of Florida. The chief settlement of Havana was first established by the Adelantado Don Diego Velasquez on July 25th, 1515, on the south coast near the mouth of the Giiines or Mayabeque River. From there it was transferred to a spot on the north coast which, on account of its exposed position and consequent liability to attack by pirates, was in turn abandoned in favour of the present site in 1519. By its founder it was proudly named Llave del Nuevo Mundo y Baluarte de las Indias Occidentales (“ Key of the New World and the Bulwark of the West Indies.) The approach to Havana from the sea has been justly praised by many well-known writers. Beyond the surf-beaten coast the first conspicuous object to strike the eye is the historic Morro Castle, whose vener- able fortifications command the narrow bottle-neck entrance to the harbour, and its tall lighthouse, erected in 1844 by Governor-General O’Donnell, whose name is inscribed upon it. The name Morro, which...”