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“...BERMUDA 53 it is connected by a small causeway, is Gallow’s Island. A post at its highest point identifies the spot where a negro slave was hanged on a gibbet in 1754 for murdering his master. Flatt’s was once a shipping port of some size. Just across Flatt’s Bridge, on the Harrington Sound side of the road, is the well-stocked Aquarium, built in the old Colonial style of native stone. The Middle Road to Flatt’s Village begins at the east end of Hamilton and joins the North Shore Road at Zuill’s Park, a distance of half a mile from the village passing Prospect Hill, the military camp. This road can be taken on excursion to Spanish Rock (3 miles, see pages 42 and 58) and Knapton Hill (4 miles). Harrington Sound is a large inlet of the sea which, but for a narrow mouth bridged at Flatt’s, would be an inland lake. It is always a source of great attraction to visitors, and especially to those of them who are interested in Geology, for in its neighbourhood there are many remarkable limestone...”