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“...in rough weather, leading inevitably to
reference to the concerts, fancy balls, sports, and so on,
which make the fortnight between London or Dover
and Barbados, or Avonmouth and Jamaica, and the
shorter journeys between Canada or the United States
and the West Indies pass so pleasantly for the traveller
who takes Charles Kingsley’s advice, and in respect of
his fellow-passengers is
To their faults a little blind ;
And to their virtues very kind.
Two days out the cold winds begin to lose their sting,
and on the third there is felt an appreciable change in
the climate, which becomes sensibly milder, even if the
weather is stormy.
After four or five days, the romantic group of islands
known as the Azores is passed. These Western Islands,
as they are also called, belong to Portugal, from which...”