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“...BRITISH GUIANA 93 immediately be traced. The gardens also contain living specimens of many animals from the in- terior, among which are included tiger-cats, labba, acowries, tapirs (the ancestor of the horse), and water-hasses, this last creature being a kind of glorified guinea-pig, about the size of a sheep and having web feet! New Amsterdam, the capital of Berbice, is New reached from Georgetown by Sprostons’ steamer in Arnsterdam- 6| hrs., or by rail to Rosignol in 3^ hrs., and thence by ferry-boat. It is situated on the right bank of the Berbice River, near the mouth of a tributary of the Canje creek. The town is very clean, but it has by no means such a bustling appearance as Georgetown. Indeed, Anthony Trollope said that three people made a crowd in New Amsterdam, which resembles an old Dutch town rather than an English one, though the old Dutch capital of Berbice was Nassau, 100 miles up the river. Every one who visits the colony should endeavour ^to visit the “ Bush.” If time is...”