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Jamaica to the United Kingdom. At first grave
doubts were expressed as to whether it would be
possible to bring the fruit successfully and in good
condition to Avonmouth, Bristol, the terminal port,
but with their characteristic enterprise Messrs.
Elder, Dempster & Co., the owners of the line
above referred to, overcame all difficulties, and
installed Messrs. J. & E. Hall’s cool-air system in
each of their ships, with the result that the quantity
of fruit now lost on each voyage is infinitesimal.
An increasing demand for Jamaica bananas in the
mother country has developed with surprising
rapidity, and a company known as Messrs. Elders
and Fyffes now have no less than thirteen vessels
bringing fruit to England from Jamaica and Costa
Rica as fast as it can be carried.
The Jamaica banana, which is the variety known Varieties of
as the Gros Michel., is cut when the fruit is three- Bananas-
quarters full, and consequently tourists must not
expect to see the fruit growing...”