1 |
“...swift motor bus service connects with
each train, conveying passengers to and from the
beautiful stretch of coco-nut-lined and fóam-swept
beach of Manzanilla eight Piiles away.
Several of the coastal steamer services having been
modified, visitors are advised to consult the local
agents as to the hours of arrival and departure, &c.
A notablè addition to the clubs in the West Indies ciiibs.
is the Savannah Club in Barbacjos, which has its
headquarters in the clock tower on the Savannah,
and owns a polo ground, lawn-tennis courts, and golf
links. Mention should also be made of the social
club at Montego Bay in Jamaica. To both, visitors
are admitted on introduction by a member.
The address of the Tourists Information Bureau Enquiries,
in Jamaica is now 10 King Street, Kingston. The
Citizens’ Association at Montego bay, in the same
Island, supplies full particulars regarding excursions,
&c. The West India Committee (15 Seething Lane,
London, E.C.) are always glad to give advice to
2 |
“...boatmen may charge double fares.
Sports. There are many Cricket Clubs, including the
Cricket. Wanderers, the Pickwick, the Windward, and the
Spartans. The Lodge School and Harrison s
College also have clubs. Nearly every house
in town and country has a well-kept lawn, where
Tennis, either tennis or croquet is played. There are
several tennis clubs, such as Belleville and Strath-
Polo. dyde, where play is above the average. Polo
is played twice a week on the garrison Savannah.
Golf. There are private golf links at “Porters” and
“Kent,” and the Savannah has been leased to
the Sports Club, which encourages racing, polo,
tennis, and golf, the Clock Tower being now
turned into a Club House. Sailing boats can
Fishing, be hired. Good line fishing can be had,
Bathing, and the bathing is excellent at Hastings,
Warsaw, Worthing, the Crane, and Fresh Water
social The Bridgetown Club, one of the best social
3 |
“...Jamaica is Mr.
E. A. H. Haggart, who has an office in Kingston.
The fare round the island is only £3, first class.
Sports. Cricket is king in Jamaica, and the cricket
Cricket, dubs include Kingston, the Garrison, Melbourne,
Fbotball. an<^ Lucas. Football also has its votaries in the
Tennis, cooler months, and lawn tennis and croquet are
played all the year round. Tennis tournaments,
open to strangers if introduced, are held at the
Polo. St. Andrew’s Club, at the Cross Roads. Polo is
very popular, and is played weekly at the Camp
and on the ground of the Kingston Polo Club.
Golf. The links of the St. Andrew’s Golf Club adjoin
the Constant Spring Hotel, for the visitors at
which they are available. Yachting and rowing
can be enjoyed in Kingston and other harbours.
Shooting. There is fair sport in Jamaica for rod and gun.
Blue pigeon, the bald-pate, the ring-tail pigeon,
the white-wing, the pea-dove, the white-belly, and
the partridge are the principal game-birds. The
close time is from 1st March...”
4 |
“...for tennis, boxing,
and athletics. The Trinidad Turf Club holds race Racing,
meetings at midsummer and in December, which
attract very large crowds to the picturesque course
on the Savannah. Several minor meetings are
held in the country during the year, one always
taking place between Christmas and New Year’s
Day; apart from the very fair sport to be enjoyed,
the assemblage of so many races in quaint cos-
tumes in the Queen’s Park is a sight well worth
seeing. The members of the Trinidad Polo Club Polo,
play twice a week on the Savannah, and are “ at
home” to visitors on the second day. The St.
Andrew’s Golf Club has a large membership and
well-kept links on the Savannah. There is also
a Baseball Club, and football is played con- Baseball.
YirtPytr turrw /- hi. M a. ZsO
- £4...”
5 |
“...Vincent Street is open from 7 a.m.
to 4 p.m. ; on Saturdays from 7 a.m. to noon;
and on Sundays and public holidays from 7 a.m.
to 8 p.m. The Savannah, known as Queen’s
Park, an extensive open space of nearly 130 acres,
is the centre of life in Trinidad, round which
is the fashionable residential quarter. It has few
trees except round the edge, but a clump of cabbage
palms popularly known as the Seven Sisters forms
a particularly noticeable feature. The Savannah
is covered with grass, on which golf, polo, base-
ball, football, and other games are played. It
is here also that the racecourse, with its stands,
is situated. This pleasure ground, round the
inside of which the electric trams run, is fringed
with the villas and mansions of the well-to-do,
and it is surrounded by an asphalt road which
presents an animated appearance in the cool of
the evening when the rank and fashion of
Trinidad take their airing. The fireflies after
dark are very numerous and strikingly beautiful.
Government House stands...”
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“...13, 21
Picton, General, 141
Pigeon Island, 189, 199
Pigeon Point, 152
Pimento, 103, 104, 129
Pine-apples, 203
Pinzon’s voyage, 81
Pitch Lake, 132, 148
Piton Flor, 198
Pi tons, the, 189, 200
Pitons of Carbet, the, 252
“ Placer” washing (gold), 80
Plantain Garden River, 101
Plum Point, 35
Plymouth, Montserrat, 230, 233
Plymouth, Tobago, 153
Point Galera, 152
Point Mulatre, 240
Point Petit, 152
Pointe-è.-Pierre, 137
Pointe-è-Pitre, 18, 250, 252
Pointe Michel, la, 240, 243, 245
" Poison tree,” 212
Polo. See Sports
Ponce, 279, 281
Population, 41
Port Antonio, 101, 108, no, hi,
113, 129
Port Maria, 113
Port Morant, 113
Port of Spain, 131, 135, 137, 140
Port Royal, 101,103, 117,1*1-18*
Porters Wood, 75
Portlock, Capt. Nathaniel, 180
Portsmouth, 240
Portuguese visit Barbados, 60
Porus, no, in
Postal orders, 40
Postal regulations, 38
Potaro River, 79, 95
Potatoes, 250...”