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“...n of this road goes right round the island, but from King’s Bay on to its junction with the Northside Road at King Peter’s Bay—a distance of 32 miles—it is a bridle track only. There is a road across the centre of the island, still in bad order in places, but which is being rapidly improved, and there are numerous branch roads in good condition. Though they are fairly well kept, they are not well adapted for carriages, and the principal means of loco- motion are therefore horses and “ Shanks’ mare.” Good riding horses can be hired for 2s. per hour, 6s. per day, or jQi, os. rod. per week. There is weekly communication between Tobago and Trinidad by the Royal Mail Steam Packet Com- pany’s steamers Kennet and Spey, which run once a week from Port of Spain, Trinidad, to Scar- borough, and then round the island and back to Port of Spain, with an extra trip once a fortnight direct between Port of Spain and Scarborough, to bring the English mail. There is a tennis club at Fort George, to which...”