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“...Fort King George, where Fort King the ruins of barracks, military hospitals, &c., re- eorge' main to testify to its former importance. The old barrack square is now the radio-telegraphy station, and on the brow facing Trinidad stands the lighthouse. A charming view of the sur- rounding country can be obtained from this spot- The principal buildings in Scarborough are the Government offices, police barracks, Anglican, Wesleyan, and Roman Catholic churches, Court- house, Royal Gaol, and Colonial Hospital, which do not, however, call for special remark. The Govern- The Govern- ment Stock Farm overlooks the harbour. The p™^Stock Botanic Station near the landing-stage deserves a The Botanic visit. The expedition to Robinson Crusoe’s Cave, Station- 10 miles from Scarborough to the west, which is...”

“...i8o GUIDE TO THE WEST INDIES The Botanic Garden. Colonial Hospital. kept Botanic Garden, which is prettily situated in a small valley just below Government House. It is distant less than a mile from the landing-stage, and is approached by a good driving road, which passes the Colonial Hospital, and, higher up, arrowroot and Sea Island cotton plantations. An arrowroot mill is also to be seen, which, when working, is of great interest. The Botanic Garden, which was established as far back as 1765, is the oldest institution of its kind in the West Indies, and probably in any part of the world. It was in order to supply it with specimens of the bread- fruit tree and the mangosteen that the Bounty sailed to the South Seas under Captain William Bligh in 1789, when the crew mutinied and established themselves at Pitcairn Island. How- ever, owing largely to the exertions of Sir Joseph Banks, the President of the Royal Society, sup- ported by the representations of the West India Committee, a second...”