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“...20 GUIDE TO THE WEST INDIES From Ham- burg and America. The Hamburg-American Line (Atlas Line Ser- vice, 16 Cockspur Street, London, S.W.; 35 Broadway, New York). A steamer of this company leaves New York every Saturday for Jamaica direct, arriving at Kingston on the following Friday, and a steamer leaves Kingston for New York every Wednesday evening. Fares: Single, £4, 3s. 4d. to £8, 8s.; return, £7, 16s. 3d. to ^15, 12s. 6d. During the winter months, be- ginning in December, a special steamer runs between New York and Tamaica fortnightly, leaving New York on Wednesday and Jamaica on Tuesday. Fares : first-class, from £8,3s. 4d. and £io,4s. 6d. upwards. Through tickets are issued from Lon- don, Southampton, and Plymouth in connection with the company’s transatlantic service. Besides the Jamaica route, a special service is maintained by this line between New York and all Haytian ports, leaving New York every Wed- nesday, with connections to Savanilla, &c.; also about three times a month...”