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“...When Kingsley visited Trinidad in 1869 the old Government House had been destroyed, and the Governor, Sir Arthur Gordon —the present Lord Stanmore—with whom he stayed, lived in a cottage just outside the gardens. The huge umbrella-shaped tree at the comer of Government House is a saman tree (Inga saman). Its branches give footholc^^^^nnumerable plants (Epiphytes), which live on air, and consequently do not sap the energy of their host. Orchids which would be considered rare at home grow in pro- fusion, and a variety of grasses and lianes hang from the giant limbs of this monster, which also affords sanctuary to all sorts of creeping and crawling things, from the manicou, a kind of opossum, to the hairy tarantula spider. A clump of bamboos over 80 feet high cannot fail to excite remark, and screw-pines (Pandanus), groo- groo palms (Acrocomia selerocarpa), sand-box trees (Hura crepitans), cannon-ball trees and banyans, to say nothing of the more familiar hibiscus, poinsettias, dracaenas, and...”