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“...Government House, the residence of the Government Administrator, is at the back of the town above House- the Botanic Garden, on the left-hand side looking from the harbour. The market is amusing during the busy hours Market, early in the morning. A comprehensive view of a large part of the island, with its picturesque mountains and valleys covered with rich tropical vegetation, can be obtained from the Mount St. Mount Andrew (2600 feet), the mountain which dominates St- Andrew- Kingstown, and is the final elevation of the back- bone of mountains which traverses the island from north to south. An early start should be made, and the best plan for visitors to adopt is to obtain horses, and ride as far as a place called Cavalries (about 1000 feet high), proceeding thence on foot. Guides can be had readily for a small sum either in Kingstown or Lowman’s village, which is passed on the way; the time usually taken to reach the summit is two hours. A visit should certainly be paid to the well-...”