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“...ANTIGUA 215 tried by court-martial but honourably acquitted, only to fall in a duel by the hands of Captain Bert, a native of Barbados.” Like the students’ prisons at Heidelberg Uni- versity, the walls of the barracks bear many in- scriptions written by former inmates and visitors, and among them is pointed out one painted by the Prince of Wales when he visited Antigua in H.M.S. Canada. It runs “A merry Xmas and a happy New Year 2 you all.” A variety of pleasant drives can be taken from St. John’s, including (1) to Parham, returning by way of Vernon’s (2 hours); (2) by way of Weir’s, St. George’s Church and Millar’s (ij hours); (3) via Gunthorpe’s Factory, Weir’s, St. George’s and Millar’s (if hours); (4) by the English Harbour road to Belle Vue, and thence by way of Ver- non’s to St. John’s (2 hours); (5) via Marble Hill, Weatherill’s, Langford’s, and Friar’s Hill (i£ hours); (6) via Friar’s Hill, Langford’s, Thibou’s, Judge’s, and Cassada Garden (2 hours); and (7) to Devil’s Bridge, on...”