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protècting an Indian maiden, which was presented to
Colombia by the Empress Eugénie in 1866, and used to
stand outside de Lesseps’s house [see below).
An ornate column with medallions on a triangular base
bearing sculptured portraits of Aspinwall, Chauncey, and
Stevens, perpetuates the memory of the pioneers of the
Panama Railroad. It stands beside the hotel.
Turning to the right on leaving the wharf one comes to
Front Street, a row of two-storied wooden houses, shops,
and numerous American bars of the most elaborate
description. After nightfall they are brilliantly lighted
and resound with the music of many orchestras. This
street leads to the substantial Railway Station of the
Panama Railroad. The Cable Office is also in Front
Away to the right again is the American suburb of
Cristobal, which is within the Canal Zone and con-
sequently far more dignified and orderly than its cos-
mopolitan neighbour. Here one is introduced to the
mosquito-proof houses, screened...”