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“...JAMAICA 297
is 6£ miles distant. The road from the town of Bath to
the spa follows the windings of a deep and narrow gorge.
Along the bottom of this flows a perennial spring, to
which, rolling down the rocky sides covered in fern,
numerous rills contribute. The mineral waters break
from the rocks at different levels, and can be distinguished
from the ordinary waters of the gorge by their warmth.
The largest spring issues from the face of a perpendicular
rock. A covered reservoir of masonry has been built
round the outlet, and a pipe fixed in it carries the water
to the bath-house. In wet weather the temperature of
the water, as it runs from the rock, has been taken as
128° Fahr., and it rises in dry weather to 130° Fahr.
Tradition asserts that these waters were discovered by
a negro who in his own person found their efficacy. The
analysis of the Bath water gives the following mineral
constituents in one gallon of water :
Chloride of sodium
,, potassium
Sulphate of calcium
,, sodium