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“...whilst in comparatively recent years motoring has added greatly to the pleasures of a visit to the tropics. Picnics, formerly called maroon parties ” in the West Indies, are also popular. Fishing, both in sea and river, and to a lesser extent shooting, can also be enjoyed. For filing the following tackle is recommended : Sea and Estuary Tarpon rod ; 6-inch tuna reel; 300-yard, 21-thread ocean line and spare hanks, 15-21 thread ; backing, leads, in- cluding swivel leads, from 2 oz.; Punjab and piano wire, a good supply, all sizes ; assorted hooks, single 3-8/0 ; treble, larger : artificial baits assorted, chiefly 6-9-inch swallow tails, sand eels, spoons, blue and silver, all of the strongest to resist the powerful jaws of large predatory fish ; strong wire-cutting pliers ; strong gaff and landing net: bait-can, disgorger, gag, priest, etc. If expense is a consideration, an 8- or 9-foot stout sea rod and a Nottingham winch may be substituted for the tarpon rod and tuna reel. . ,.___ .<___...”