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“...with tropical palms and flowers.
The principal square is the Plaza de Bolivar, in the
centre of which there is a bronze equestrian statue of
Simon Bolivar, the Liberator, who was bom in Caracas.
Round the square are grouped the Cathedral and Arch-
bishop’s Palace, the National Library, and General Post
The public buildings which may be visited include the
Palacio Federal, the Concejo Municipal, the Fine Arts
Academy—which has a fair collection of pictures—the
Panteon National, and the Museo Boliviano. Particulars
regarding the hours of opening, etc., can be obtained
at the hotels. Caracas has three theatres : the Opera
House, the National, and the Caracas, and there is a
Bull Bing where bull-fighting can be witnessed on
Sundays (admission from bs. 2 [is. 7