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“...and up. Somerset! t Summer side, $4.00 per day. I In summer the Bermudiana, Hamilton, and Princess are j closed, but the other hotels remain open and accept guests j at slightly reduced rates. Bermuda’s tourist business being I mainly with America, hotel rates are quoted in dollars, and towing to exchange fluctuations it is impossible to give the sterling I equivalents. j There are also throughout the Colony numerous boarding houses, a list of which is given in folders published by the Ber- : muda Trade Development Board and obtainable free of charge j on application to The West India Committee, 14, Trinity Square, ’ London, E.C. 3. Furnished cottages and bungalows may be i rented at from $300 to f3,000 for the season. I COMMUNICATIONS. Bermuda can be reached occasionally ; direct from England in about ten days, from England via La Rochelle in sixteen days, from New York in less than forty- t eight hours, and from Halifax, N.S., in four days (see Appendix I). I The islands have admirable...”

“...ANTIGUA 201 settle the island, but was driven away by want of water, and it was not colonised until 1632, when some English from St. Kitts under Edward, son of Sir Thomas Warner, established themselves there. During the Commonwealth it remained i Royalist, and was included with Virginia, Barbados, and Ber- muda in the Imperial Act of 1650, which prohibited trade with j those dependencies on account of their rebellious attitude ; towards the Home Government. Lord Francis Willoughby, f lessee of the patent left by Lord Carlisle to his son, visited thé : Leeward Islands from Barbados in 1650, and encouraged the inhabitants to resist the Commonwealth. He was compelled I. to relinquish the government of the islands in 1652, but he I returned in 1663 after the Restoration, and governed until 1666, when he was lost at sea. In 1666 French troops, re- inforced by Irish malcontents and Caribs, landed at Five Islands , Bay and took possession of the island; but in the following year it was ceded to...”

“...Anthony, 257 Sibun River, 393, 395 Siccama, Baron, 382 Sierra Maestra Mts., 345 Sierra Nevada, 408, 412 Sigsbee, Captain, 352 Silk cotton trees, 280, 293, 354, [ 363 " Silver employees," 423 Sims, James, 90 Sinai, Mt., Grenada, 154 Sinckler, Mr. E. G., no Sion Hall, 107 Siparia, 118,119, 142, 144 Sir Timothy’s Hill, 221 Sisal hemp, 64 Skeldon, 376 Skinner, General, 309 Slavery, 36, 322, 345, 367, 385, 434 Smith, Jane Anne, 18 " S.P.G.," the, 93 • Solberg, 325 Sombrero, 251 Somers’ Islands. See Ber- muda Somers, Sir George, 45, 58, 59, 60 Somerset Island, 53 Soufrière, Guadeloupe, 305 Soufrière, St. Lucia, 168, 169, 177, 180 Soufrière, St. Vincent, 5, 74, 194-7, 317 Southern Cross, 4 Southern Main Road, 134, 139, 140 South Sea Company, 36 South Soufrière, Montserrat, »37 South-west Bay, 71 " Spanish Hat," 251 489 Spanish Main, the, 400-16 Spanish Rock, Bermuda, 45, 61 Spanish Town, 257, 260, 262, 279-85 Speightstown, 78, no Speight, William, no . Speyside, 145, r49, 151 Spillway, the, Panama Canal...”