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“...approval of Her Majesty, inasmuch as my action is on behalf of Humanity and Civilization, and I require you to immediately suspend the filthy butchery now going on. I do not think it will be necessary for me to say what my procedure will be, should my demands not receive attention .-^Lambton Loraine, November 8th, 1873. * Santiago is an extremely picturesque town with its irregular streets of brightly coloured houses with red- tiled roofs, its plazas, and its many trees. The best shops are in Marina Street—which extends from the Plaza to the bay—and San Tomas Street. Along the bay is the Alameda, a charming drive-way, which is deservedly popular. One of the favourite expeditions from Santiago is to the battlefields of San Juan and El Caney (4 miles), which now comprise a public park. A simple column,...”