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“...out to sea, accumulated to such an extent as to prove a serious menace to health. So foul indeed was the mud that captains of vessels preferred to make fast to buoys instead of dropping their anchors into it. In recent years, however, much improvement has been effected by dredging, and the provision of a sewerage system, and the adoption of sanitary improve- ments have rendered Havana quite healthy. It was in the harbour of Havana that the Spanish treasure fleets, known as the Galleons and the Flota, used to collect before their departure for Europe, and it ll was in this harbour, too, that the United States cruiser 1 Maine (Captain Sigsbee) was blown up at 9.40 a.m. on It February 15th, 1898, an event which was the immediate 11 cause of the outbreak of war between the United States ; and Spain. Two hundred and seventy men and two officers were killed, and it was claimed that the disaster was due to the explosion of a mine by the Spanish. Whether this was really the case or not has been the...”