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“...Chapter VIII THE LEEWARD ISLANDS The Leeward Islands are a British Colony comprising the Presidencies of Antigua (with its dependencies Bar- buda and Redonda), Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis (including Anguilla), Dominica and the Virgin Islands, which were federated by an Act of the Imperial Parlia- ment in 1871 (34 and 35 Viet. cap. 107). Their total area is 704 square miles, or about that of the county of Surrey. The seat of government is Antigua. ANTIGUA Where Nelson refitted his ships in 1805 Antigua—pronounced “ Anteega ”—which is situated in latitude 170 6' N. and longitude 6i° 45' W., about 40 miles east of Nevis, the same distance north of Guade- loupe, and 27 miles north-east of Montserrat, has an area of 108 square miles and a population of 28,864. The island, which is the seat of government of the Leeward Islands, is oval in shape, and has three distinct charac- teristics. In the south and south-west it is volcanic and mountainous; in the north and north-east it is of coral...”