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“...Overlooking Pitt’s Bay at the west
end of the town is the large Princess Hotel, erected by
local enterprise in 1884 and named in honour of H.R.H.
Princess Louise. Also conspicuous is the Hotel Ber-
mudiana, built on properties known as Rosebank, Long
House, and Richmond, and opened in 1924.
Hamilton, which owes its name, to Henry Hamilton,
Governor when it was incorporated in 179°» succeeded
St. George’s as the seat of Government in 1815. It is
a picturesque town of white houses laid out on a rect-
angular plan on gently rising ground. The principal
shops or stores and merchants’ warehouses and the
Cable Office of the Halifax and Bermudas and the
Direct West India Cable Companies are in Front Street,
which runs parallel with the wharves, and in Queen
Street, which leads to the Hamilton Hotel. Turning
to the right along Front Street on landing at the wharf
one comes to a square, green with many trees, among
which is a cedar planted by Prince Alfred, afterwards
Duke of Edinburgh, the uncle of King...”