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“ POCKET GUIDE TO THE WEST INDIES origin of which is sufficiently explained by the following inscription: Invito Dudleio Woodbridge Arm0 Amante nihilominus munditias Aqua nimium inundante In Balnearium Hoc Conclave ABttT vn° Kal. Apr. mdccxxxv. Thos. Hill. Invenit. [Trans. This chamber was turned into a bath by Dudley Woodbridge, Esq., reluctantly, though he loved cleanliness,'; because of its being constantly flooded. March 26th, 1735. Sculptured by Thomas Hill.] Speightstown (pronounced Spikestown), St. Peter (| hour by motor-car, i| hours by carriage from Bridge- town), formerly a shipping place of importance, once enjoyed a considerable trade with Bristol, earning in consequence the name of Little Bristol. The late Mr. E. G. Sinckler, in his “Handbook of Barbados,” said that it was probably built on the lands of William Speight, a member of Governor Hawley’s Parliament in 1639. Communication between it and Bridgetown is maintained by a fine fleet of schooners which perform the journey...”