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“...84 Bijlage E. Registered 6431 C. N. L. 6191/5. 7489 4 Nov. 1872. Articles of Agreement made this the 20th day of Juny A. D. 1872 by and between Moses Anker and Charles R. Bissell of the first part and the undersigned several persons whose names and signa- tures are affixed hereto of the second part witnesseth. The parties of the first part alledge that they are the sole owners of a Concession granted by the Dutch Colonial Government of Curasao West Indies giving a sole and exclusive right to mine upon the Island of Aruba (one of the dependancies of said Island of Curasao) for a term of 30 years from this date, and they allege that they have discovered a large number of veins of rich Gold bearing quartz upon said Island as may be seen by the various reports upon the same and that they are desirous of developing and working the same. To raise the necessary capital to open said mines profitably and to erect Stamp Mills and other machinery necessary for the reduc- tion of the ores. The parties...”

“...said Aruba Island Gold Mining Company Limited to subscribe in A shares for the Amount and to pay them the sum set opposite our respective names asfollows viz. One half upon demand, Ten percent in Sixty days, and the remainder from time to time as a general meeting of the Company may determine. It being agreed and understood that we are to receive and parti- cipate in the B. shares of the Company to be formed Pro Rata as hereintofore stated. London June 20th 1872. Witness as to Anker & Bissell G. HODGES. MOSES ANKER. CHARLES R. BISSELL....”