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“...54 1908—’09. PUERTO MEXICO. (Mexico.) $ Totale invoer............. 3 854 460 „ uitvoer .... 2 200 029 Voornaamste invoerartikelen: Plantaardige voortbrengselen, steen- kolen , textiel-goederen, machi- nerieën. Voornaamste uitvoerartikelen: Huiden, koffie, rubber, mahonie- hout en verfhout. Scheepvaartverkeer. Aantal. Tonnenmaat. 174 675 972 Bronnen: Urquhart. Mexican Year Book....”

“...this section shall not be exempt from the collection of ad valorem duty provided in section thirty-seven of the Act approved August fifth, nineteen hundred and nine, entitled “An Act to provide revenue, equalize duties, and encourage thedndus- tries of the United States, and for other purposes.” That all materials of foreign production which may be necessary for the construction or repair of vessels built in the United States and all such materials necessary for the building or repair of their machi- nery and all articles necessary for their outfit and equipment may...”