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“...occurring tropical soils, viz. the red earths and grey earths proved to exist differ- ences not only mineralogically but physically and chemically as well. This especially stands out most clearly if you compare the soils of a region with the same climate and flora but a different parent rook. But also otherwise the contrasts continue to exist. Mineralogically the red earths have much more opaque components and a chiefly kaolinitic clay mineral. The grey earths have however more dark minerals (pyroboles and epidotes) and a principally montmorillonitic clay mineral. Physically the grey earths are very heavy, with a slow water movability and hard to till; the red earths on the contrary are in general light soils with a quick water movability. Chemically the grey earths are richer and more alkaline than the red earths. They contain more carbonates, humus, nitrogen, salts, phos- phoric acid and bases. The red earths are often obviously poorer in them and have a weak acid reaction. CENTRAL! ItLIOTHEEK...”