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“...Flora need only be said that the finding-places are given as exactly as possible; it seemed only necessary to indicate the border of the calcareous territories. The different abbreviations are explained in the exten- sive list of the sites. While for more detailed information 1 refer to the work by K. Martin: Bericht fiber eine Reise nach Niederlandisch West Indien 1887 and 1888, from which the greater part of what fol- lows has been derived, a short account many here suffice. Curagao. Of the terminal points of Curagao Westpunt lies at 69° 11' W. Long, and 12° 23' N. Lat. and Punt Canon at 68° 49' W. Long, and 12° 3' N. Lat.; the greatest length of the island is 58 kilo- metres, its surface + 450 square kilometres. The long-drawn island is a hilly country, the hills consisting of diabase or being of cretaceous origin, the whole being surrounded by a layer of a coral-limestone formation. On the narrower part of the island the nothern and southern coral-limestone masses join and reach there...”