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“...shall see that a few plants occurring in Santa Martha are found in the three islands, forming the subject of this Flora. It should be noted that Aruba is separated from the other islands by a sea-depth of 2000 M. and falls quite within the coast line of Venezuela where the depth is 200 M. Also the isle of Margarita lies inside the coast line of 200 M. depth; contrary to the group Aruba, Curaqao, Bonaire, it consists of archaic rocks and corresponds entirely to the continental land of Arya and Paria. 1) W. Sievers: Karten zur physikalischen Geographic von Venezula in Dr. A. Petermanns Mitteilnngen aus Justus Perthes’ Geogr. Anst. 42. Band. 1896. VI. p. 125. 9...”