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“...of both hemisph. (Symb.).
3979. Kallstroemia Scop. *)
Kallstroemia caribaea Rydb. in Britton & Brown, an 111. FI. U.
S. Sec. Edition.
Curasao: Mo (4314).
Bonaire: Rt (7163).
Kallstroemia curta Rydb. sp. nov. (in man user.)
A diffuse, branched annual; stems about 1 m. long, slender',
prostrate, soon straw-coloured, sparingly hirsute; stipules small,
subulate, about 2 mm. long, hirsute; leaves short, 1—2cm. long;
leaflets mostly 3 pairs, or on some of the branches only 2 pairs,
obliquely oval, 3—10 mm. long, raucronate, denticulate, yellowish-
green, glabrate above, hirsute beneath, the hairs in age with
pustulate bases; peduncles 5 mm. long or less; sepals subulate,
about 3 mm. long; petals not seen; fruit strigose, body 2—3 mm.
high; beak about 1 mm., truncate conic, broader than high ; nutlets
when ripe dark-brown, with small, but rather acute tubercles on
the back, strongly reticulate on the faces, with rather large and
deep faveoles.
The fruit of this species resembles most that...”